This month, she is happy to give big, gummy grins when we talk to her, smile at her, change her diaper, and especially when she first wakes in the mornings. She is making lots of new sounds and loves to hold little "conversations" with us. She is such a good baby! She only cries for feeding, when her diaper needs changing, or when she's tired. Though I might add, she really hates a wet diaper. She is a delight to take to different places. After spending the day at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens with her Daddy's Uncle Fred and Aunt Lee, Uncle Fred commented that even her cry is polite. She also did an excellent job at her first Braves baseball game! On Mother's Day this month, she met many of her Daddy's family, including her Great-Gramma. Her Aunt Shannon also came for a short visit near the end of the month. She is always so curious on our walks. They always end up putting her to sleep, but when she's awake, she is all eyes! She is still sleeping well. She's even found her thumb and can soothe herself to sleep (depending on her level of sleepiness) or back to sleep.
She found her thumb! |
She's using those lips to make all kinds of fun noises! |
Long legs! |
So Expressive! |