Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Girlie's Sixth Month

This month has been like an awakening. Girlie is getting closer and closer to sitting unassisted. With this new semi-vertical position, an interest and awareness of the world around her has been kindled. She is so much fun. She seems to enjoy reading books more now that she can help turn the pages and put the books in her mouth. She enjoys interacting with people and seems to be looking for any excuse to laugh. She's eating solid foods now, another interaction with the world while sitting. She enjoys being propped up by pillows or my legs so she can play with toys. She did finally roll over from back to tummy, once. Her pediatrician said there's not as much incentive to roll that way, so I'm trying to let go of any concern there. She is still a delightful and easy going baby. Robert and I feel so blessed to have such a sweet, happy, healthy baby girl.

In the spirit of keeping things real on the ole bloggety blog, one of her socks that I've been using in the monthly pictures has been missing since I did laundry after her five month pictures. I used a pair of purple socks from the same package of socks, so we can still tell how she's growing compared to all of the other months.
We won't be able to take pictures this way if she gets too much longer.

I found the missing sock in one of the footies of her sleeper on Wednesday night, so I took pictures with it and a little bit of natural light on Thursday, August 30, 2012. It's been cloudy here this week.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday's Thirteen Things: The Ole Bloggety Blog

1. This idea comes from a concept called Tuesday Twelve that my sister-in-law posts on her blog.
2. I plan to use Thursday's Thirteen Things to help me keep my blog posts organized and concise.
3. Thursday's Thirteen Things will contain thirteen points about one topic.
4. I have backdated the last few blog posts to avoid confusion, since I was blogging about Jak's birthday and Girlie's monthly birthdays.
5. I have at least seven posts drafted over the last year that I think will be publish worthy using the concept of Thursday's Thirteen Things.
6. I hope to avoid back dating blog posts in the future. I also recognize that I'm not perfect and backdating may happen despite my best efforts.
7. I had lots of ideas about posting on our moving in the house and making it our home. Then, I was pregnant and the moving in came to a grinding halt. I was too hormonal and too embarrassed at the state of the house to post anything about the house at that point.
8. I'm still embarrassed about the state of the house but plan to post anyway. It's all about keeping it real and hopefully finding kindred spirits among those other moms and homemakers who have AD/HD, are right brained thinkers, are INFPs, or just struggle with maintaining an immaculate home while living life.
9. Since I have identified this blog as a family newsletter and journal, I'd like to post more on the day to day life of being a parent and other journal like topics.
10. It's hard to find time to sit down at the computer to write blog posts with a baby.
11. I'm glad there's an iPhone app for that.
12. Basically, I'm hoping to blog more often and in raw, honest format.
13.  Thirteen Things is a lot.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Jak is Six

Our Jak is six years old! He's still young at heart though. He still gets into stuff and loves a good snuggle. He's even snuggled me while I was holding Girlie, just because he needed snuggles at that very moment. He still loves to play with curly fries (twisted pipe cleaners) and fishing pole types of toys. He's such a good cat. He's had a difficult year with losing Albert and then adding a baby to the mix. Here are a few pictures I've taken over the year. Enjoy!
Close up

Jak needs attention.

Jak snuggling while I feed the baby.

Jak helps with the groceries.

Jak looking cute.

Jak stuck in the laundry hamper.

Jak surveying the kitchen from a bowl.

Reagan and Jak
Sun bathing
hidden kitty

new nap spot

under the crib

Jak is always getting into whatever he may find in the kitchen sink!

Jak is watching the birds while I blog.