We are only one month away from her birthday, and it has been a big month! She cut three teeth this month. We took a spill and she has her first (and hopefully only) cast. She learned to crawl with said cast, and that was enough of gross motor development for one month, so she turned to her social emotional development. She is giving kisses when we ask for them. She is kissing, hugging, and soothing her baby doll by patting her back. She says Jak-Jak, Da-Da, and ticka-ticka (tickle-tickle). She learned to wave and play peekaboo (both with her hands and by hiding behind a blanket, towel, or piece of clothing). She's still as smiley and busy as ever. Her cast isn't holding her back!
Think fast! |
Always dancing! |
Just chillin' |
Jak-Jak! |