I also want to have a way for my daughter to count down the days until Christmas or the solstice without relying on chocolate. Last year we did an advent spiral out of salt dough. This year we are celebrating with the fairies. 😀
They showed up on the afternoon of December first and left a gift outside the fairy door along with a verse we are using in our Waldorf homeschool curriculum. I'm glad they showed up in the afternoon that first day, because it set the precedent that fairies don't operate on a set schedule everyday. 😉

I have included below what we have done so far and a few days ahead if you're looking for inspiration. I used the Zapfino font in pages, because it looked handwritten and lovely. I searched google images for coloring pages corresponding with the activity or gift of the day and pasted the image to the doc before printing, so that it would give her a clue as to what is written, since she's not yet reading. The Sundays won't line up exactly in future years, so some days may need to be tweaked.

I will write up some posts describing the activities, and I will make sure to post the links here. I will also edit as I come up with the rest of the final week's activities to include those here.
December 1-3 (stones)
The first light of Advent, it is the light of stones.
Stones that live in crystals and sea shells and bones.
December 1 (leave gift of a stone)
December 2 (leave gift of a sea shell)
December 3 (leave gift of a crystal)

December 4-10 (plants)
The first light of Advent, it is the light of stones.
Stones that live in crystals and sea shells and bones.
The second light of Advent, it is the light of plants.
Plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes dance.

December 4 (leave gift of the second candle for the advent wreath)
December 5 (leave greenery to decorate advent wreath)
December 6 (leave gift of holly leaves for the advent wreath and the words of the song “Deck the Halls with boughs of Holly” for circle time)
December 7 (leave gift of ivy for the advent wreath)
December 8 (leave gift of acorns or acorn caps for the advent wreath)
December 9 (leave greenery and floral wire or twine with instructions to make a wreath for the door)
December 10 (leave pine cones for the advent wreath)
December 11-17 (animals)
The first light of Advent, it is the light of stones.
Stones that live in crystals and sea shells and bones.
The second light of Advent, it is the light of plants.
Plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes dance.
The third light of Advent, it is the light of beasts.
The light of hope that we see in the greatest and in the least.
December 11 (leave gift of the third candle for the advent wreath)
December 12 (gift of feathers for the advent wreath)
December 13 (gift of wool roving and instructions to make a pre-needle felted ornament)
Sheep provide us with wool for our coats, hats, and scarves. Wool helps to keep us warm and dry. Today, make an ornament using wool, water, soap, a chopstick, and an animal shaped cookie cutter. Say thank you to the sheep for providing such a wonderful material for us to use.
December 14 (pine cones and instructions to make bird feeders)
Birds give us feathers for decoration, beautiful songs to hear, and even help pollinate our plants!Use these pine cones, peanut butter, and bird seed to feed your backyard birds. Tell the birds thank you for all they give us.
December 15 (modeling wax with instructions for making an animal for the advent wreath)
Bees give us honey to flavor our foods and help us feel better if we are sick. They help us by pollinating many of the plants that give us food to eat. They give us beeswax for candles, crayons, cosmetics, and even modeling wax. Use some beeswax to shape an animal for your advent wreath.
December 16 (instructions to play with and make gifts for pets)
Cats offer companionship and bring much joy. Take some time to play with your cats today. Maybe even make them a gift for the holidays!
December 17 (instructions to make a brush pile for small animals in yard)
Wild animals need a warm place to shelter in the winter. Use your wreath clippings from last year and any other branches in your yard to build a small brush pile for small animals and insects to use during the cold.
December 18-24 (humankind)
The first light of Advent, it is the light of stones.
Stones that live in crystals and sea shells and bones.
The second light of Advent, it is the light of plants.
Plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes dance.
The third light of Advent, it is the light of beasts.
The light of hope that we see in the greatest and in the least.
The fourth light of Advent, is the light of humankind.
The light of love, the light of thought, to give and to understand.
December 18(leave fourth candle for advent wreath)
December 19(leave instructions to make gifts for friends and family)
December 20 (instructions to clean the house for the holidays)
A clean house is a festive house! Take some time today to pick up your clothes and toys and help your parents clean the house. When it’s clean, it will be inviting to your guests and you will be able to enjoy the holidays and have places to put any gifts you receive.
December 21
Today is the Winter Solstice! Take some time today to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and nature. Who knows? You may even spot signs of us fairies!